Using Tableau, you will create a “Data Story” that uses interactive maps and/or charts to explain the results of your data analysis and anticipates the viewer’s questions about your data.

Using Tableau, you will create a “Data Story” that uses interactive maps and/or charts to explain the results of your data analysis and anticipates the viewer’s questions about your data. Use the same dataset used in the “Data Plan” assignment. Your Data Story should be submitted through Blackboard as a Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) file NOT a Tableau Workbook (.twb) file.


  1. Tableau work:
  • Include at least five (no more than 10) “Story Points” (ref: Chapter 8 in course book: Visual Data Storytelling with Tableau) from your initial dataset and tell a data story in sequence using Tableau’s built-in navigation bar.
  • Each Story Point should include at least one chart or map, but can also include other elements such as images and text. Multiple Story Points can use the same chart if you want to focus on different elements of your data (e.g. highlight different lines on a line chart, showing progression over time).
  • At least one Story Point should include a map or chart that can be altered by the user using a Filter or Highlighter.
  • Submit the Tableau Package Workbook through Blackboard. If there is an issue with the package, then submit static charts (screenshots) on a work document and upload the work document through Blackboard.
Using Tableau, you will create a “Data Story” that uses interactive maps and/or charts to explain the results of your data analysis and anticipates the viewer’s questions about your data.
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