The Mexican American War Each Essay must be 3 full pages minimum (excluding the title page, works cited, and citations). Double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins all around.
Advise Alpha Bookstore what remedies, if any, it may have against the two publishers.
Advise Alpha Bookstore what remedies, if any, it may have against the two publishers. Alpha Bookstore has the following contracts: a) to buy 200 copies each of “Cabinet Inside Story” and “The Return of 007” from Beta Publishing plc at a total cost of £4,000; b) to buy 500 copies of “The Gryffindor Chronicles” from […]
Write a research paper about measuring effectiveness of e -learning systems
Research area is about measuring effectiveness of e -learning systems and as approach had choosen virtual reality approach in e-learning and see how effective would it be. As approach we are using Maxwhere simulator to create virtual space presentation that students can create easily . This maxwhere is new kinda startup open to research. So […]
Do you and/or any other investigators associated with the project described in this application have, or appear to have, any actual or potential conflict of interest with respect to this research?
Do you and/or any other investigators associated with the project described in this application have, or appear to have, any actual or potential conflict of interest with respect to this research?
Do you believe this research meets the criteria to be reviewed as Exempt or Expedited?
Do you believe this research meets the criteria to be reviewed as Exempt or Expedited? If so, please state and justify the category number under which this proposal is submitted. (See for information on categories of research that qualify for Exempt Status.)
To what uses–research, demonstration, public performance, archiving–might they be put in future?
Will research data (written or otherwise recorded) be destroyed at the end of the study? If not, where and in what format and for how long will they be stored? To what uses–research, demonstration, public performance, archiving–might they be put in future? How will subjects’ permission for further use of their data be obtained? If […]
How is the privacy of subjects protected?
How is the privacy of subjects protected? (e.g., are questions tailored to the research question so subjects are not asked to provide unnecessary information?)
How are confidentiality and/or anonymity assured? For online studies, will IP addresses or other potentially identifying information be collected?
How are confidentiality and/or anonymity assured? For online studies, will IP addresses or other potentially identifying information be collected? What host site will be used (i.e. Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, etc.)? Will identifiers be removed from the data? If so, at what point, and if not, please explain why identifiers must be retained.
How do you ensure the educational value of the process?
How will participation in this research benefit subjects? If subjects will be “debriefed” or receive information about the research project following its conclusion, how do you ensure the educational value of the process? Append copies of any debriefing or educational materials.
Is there any other way to conduct the research that would not involve deception, and, if so, why have you not chosen that alternative?
Are subjects deliberately deceived in any way? If so, what is the nature of the deception? Are the subjects informed that the study involves deception during the informed consent process? Is it likely to be significant to subjects? Is there any other way to conduct the research that would not involve deception, and, if so, […]