For your final paper assignment, you are creating a museum tour. The tour is personalized and led by YOU. You are the one choosing the works and explaining them.
Here are the logistics of the paper:
You need to pick four (4) works of art for the tour Each work has to be from a different museum. The specific museum websites are listed below. Also, each work MUST be from the specific collection posted here for each museum, and must be a sculpture or a painting. Lastly, each work must represent a different theme, and all of the themes must be used.
The paper should be a minimum of five (5) pages and needs to be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, one (1) inch margins. Images are not required, but if you choose to share/include them, note that they do NOT count as part of the bare minimum page requirements, and that they should NOT be IN the paper, but can be shown after.