Day: December 3, 2020

Explain how the law of torts apply to employers’liability, products liability and occupiers’ liability.

Understand the principles of the law oftorts and the characteristics of the main torts 2.1 Describe the nature and classification of torts. 2.2 Explain the law of negligence and the other maintorts. 2.3 Explain how the law of torts apply to employers’liability, products liability and occupiers’ liability. 2.4 Explain the main defences, remedies and limitationsof […]

Apply the nature and sources of English law and theconcept of natural legal persons to practical situations.

Understand the nature and sources of English law and the concept of naturallegal persons1. 1 Describe the classifications and characteristics of English law. 1.2 Describe the sources of English law. 1.3 Describe the structures and procedures of the courts. 1.4 Describe the status and capacity of natural legal persons. 1.5 Describe the main types of […]

Critically reflect on and analyse the personal learning that has occurred from their involvement in the module and undertaking the simulated practice scenario.

This is an individual written piece of work in which the student will critically reflect on and analyse the personal learning that has occurred from their involvement in the module and undertaking the simulated practice scenario.

Discuss, plan, implement and evaluate patient care based on a holistic, person centred assessment of their strengths

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to: Discuss, plan, implement and evaluate patient care based on a holistic, person centred assessment of their strengths and needs through working in partnership with patients, carers and families

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