What are the primary challenges that you all as teachers and everyone working with YP encounter in an attempt to ensure the inclusion of YPs in mainstream classes?
How can you (teacher, LSA, HLTA, RPWs, Link worker, OT, SALT etc ) be supported in implementing inclusive pedagogy?
How can you (teacher, LSA, HLTA, RPWs, Link worker, OT, SALT etc ) be supported in implementing inclusive pedagogy?
How are collaborative and person-centred approaches, (approaches which will enable the YP to lead in their learning and influence strategies for support) being used in education
How are collaborative and person-centred approaches, (approaches which will enable the YP to lead in their learning and influence strategies for support) being used in education to improve inclusion of YPs in classes? Offer a voice to the YP, use of PRIDE system in PE which focuses on the YP in lessons
What are the primary challenges that you all as teachers and everyone working with YP encounter in an attempt to ensure the inclusion of YPs in mainstream classes?
What are the primary challenges that you all as teachers and everyone working with YP encounter in an attempt to ensure the inclusion of YPs in mainstream classes? Resistance to participation
What strategies do you (this includes LSAs, 1;1 HLTAs, Link Workers) or have you used and to help a YP struggling that has made them stay in lessons?
What strategies do you (this includes LSAs, 1;1 HLTAs, Link Workers) or have you used and to help a YP struggling that has made them stay in lessons? (what has worked and what hasn’t?) Give them an alternative role within the lesson e.g. keeping score, umpiring/refereeing, offer them some time away from the lesson with […]
How do you normally support YP in your lessons? Differentiated within each YP.
How do you normally support YP in your lessons? Differentiated within each YP. May give them 1:1 support within lessons. Offer different types of equipment such as shorter tennis rackets, slower balls etc.
How do you normally What department/ subject do you teach or work with? Physical Educationsupport YP in your lessons? Differentiated within each YP.
Research Aim The study aims to explore interventions and provisions for the inclusion of KS3 and KS4 students with SEMH/SEBD. Research Questions What department/ subject do you teach or work with? Physical Education
Apply insight into the discharge planning process whilst minimising harm and promoting health at all times.
o Apply insight into the discharge planning process whilst minimising harm and promoting health at all times. Don’t forget to write a conclusion at the end of your reflective essay which will just be a short summary of how the reflective essay has helped you develop your understanding of the nursing care given in relation […]
Provide critical explanations and insights into the care pathway followed, the MDT involvement
o Provide critical explanations and insights into the care pathway followed, the MDT involvement, the implementation of national and local policy/guidance with reference to contemporary literature.
Using a recognised model of reflection, critically analyse the care given to the patient within the context of medical/surgical/community nursing.
You can then continue to present your essay in accordance with the reflective tool/cycle you have chosen. Just ensure the discussion flows logically and you critically analyse the care given. You must remember to address the following learning outcomes: o Using a recognised model of reflection, critically analyse the care given to the patient within […]